God Spoke and “Bang!” It Happened!

In 1965, two Bell Laboratory scientists, Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias, discovered a blanket of microwave radiation in the center of the universe. This indicates that the universe was very dense [...]

Jesus – The Son of Man

“In my vision, there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven.” Although Jesus claimed to be the divine Son of God, His favorite self-designation by far [...]

Jesus – Son of God

"And they all said, 'Are You the Son of God, then?' And He said to them, 'Yes, I am.'" (Luke 22:70) Although the Gospel writers portrayed Jesus as claiming to be the Son of God, can we verify [...]

Jesus – God

"'We are not stoning you for any of these [miracles],' replied the Jews, 'but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.'" (John 10:33) Although Jesus claimed to be the divine Son [...]

Peter Pan Theology

"I just think that God let's us come to Him in our own way. He does not require us to believe in the Christian God, the Muslim God, or any specific God. So when you to say that unless I believe [...]

Prove It!

"Then the Jews demanded of him, 'What miraculous sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?' Jesus answered them, 'Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.' [...]

The Sweet Words of an Enemy

"A meeting of all the religious leaders was called, and they decided to bribe the soldiers. They told the soldiers, 'You must say, "Jesus' disciples came during the night while we were sleeping, [...]

Who Made God?

It was bedtime and the little child rested her head on her daddy's lap. "Who made the world and the sun and the moon and the stars, Daddy?" "God made them, Sweety." Pausing for a moment to absorb [...]

Graduation Day!

"Looking at herself in the mirror, Jennifer noticed that her graduation cap was off slightly to her left. She adjusted it so that it was perfectly aligned, took a deep breath and exhaled.