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- Debate: Evan Fales vs. Mike Licona (Part 3 of 4)
- Debate: Evan Fales vs. Mike Licona (Part 4 of 4)
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Posts by category
- Category: Audio
- D. James Kennedy Interviews Mike on “Paul Meets Muhammad”
- Why are There Differences in the Gospels? with Mike Licona and Richard Burridge
- Interview on The Gospels
- Deeper Waters Podcast
- When the Saints Go Marching In
- Bart Ehrman & Mike Licona Discuss Decisions
- INTERVIEW: Janet Parshall interviews me re: The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus (April 23, 2011)
- DEBATE:Stephen Patterson vs. Michael Licona (March 31, 2010 at FSU)
- Category: Blog
- Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy Needs a Facelift
- Is the Sky Falling in the World of Historical Jesus Research?
- Statement Regarding RZIM Senior Leadership Team Members Michael Ramsden, Sarah (Davis) Phillips and Abdu Murray
- Lydia McGrew Answered
- Israel Tour 2021
- Historians and Miracle Claims
- Are The Gospels “Historically Reliable”? A Focused Comparison of Suetonius’s Life of Augustus and the Gospel of Mark
- Are There Contradictions in the Gospels?
- How the New Testament Canon was Formed
- Did Jesus Think He Was God?
- Christianity Today Interview “Why Are There Differences in the Gospels?
- Panel Discussion on “Why Are There Differences in the Gospels?”
- Hebrews 5:7
- Sign of Jonah
- Crucifixion or Cruci-fiction
- Should You Believe the Gospel of Barnabas?
- Muslim Becomes Christian
- Mike Licona and Larry Shapiro Debate
- Mike Licona’s Latest Book Available on
- Licona vs. McCormick: Jesus, History or Mistake?
- What are the Primary Sources for Jesus’s Resurrection?
- Was Mark Confused Pertaining to the Location of the Feeding of the 5,000?
- Dialogue between Bart Ehrman & Mike Licona on the Historical Reliability of the Gospels
- STR on Mike Licona’s book The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach
- The Mission of Jesus Christ: An Example of 200 Word Essay
- An Assessment of the Present State of Historical Jesus Studies
- My Brief Reflection of the Movie “Risen”
- Logos Bible Software
- Review of Bart Ehrman’s book “Forged: Writing in the Name of God”…
- A Refutation of Acharya S’s book, The Christ Conspiracy
- Licona Replies to Acharya: Part 2
- The Death of Jesus & the Defeat of Islam
- Answering Brian Flemmings “The God Who wasn’t there”
- Licona’s Reply to Doherty
- Roundtable Discussion
- When the Saints Go Marching In
- Historians and Miracle Claims
- David Wood Interviews Mike Licona: Islam vs. Historical Jesus
- Why I Removed My Calendar of Speaking Events from My Website
- I’m a Doubting Thomas!
- On Chicago’s Muddy Waters
- Humble Pie
- Has the Family Tomb of Jesus Been Found?
- The Gospel of Judas
- The Early Church Fathers on Jesus
- “The Intrinsic Flaws Inherent in Christianity”
- Answering Lenny Flank’s Article Against Intelligent Design
- Ex nihilo, nihil fit (Out of nothing, nothing comes)
- Gladiators, The Roman Circus, and Christians
- God Spoke and “Bang!” It Happened!
- Jesus – The Son of Man
- Jesus – Son of God
- Jesus – God
- Non Sequitur (Looks Can Be Deceiving)
- Peter Pan Theology
- Prove It!
- The Sweet Words of an Enemy
- Who Made God?
- Graduation Day!
- June 16, 2011
- Category: Books
- Category: Videos
- Testimony of Muslim from Iraq Coming to Christ
- Category: Debates
- Mike Licona vs. Bart Ehrman (2018)
- Mike Licona vs. Larry Shapiro (2018)
- Mike Licona vs. Courtney Friesen
- Mike Licona vs. Peter Craffert: Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?
- Mike Licona vs. Abel Piennaar: Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?
- Sakki Spangenbergi/Hansi Wolmarans vs William Lane Craig/Mike Licona
- Licona vs. Dillahunty on Jesus’ Resurrection
- Jesus: Resurrected or Rescued?
- Can Historians Prove Jesus Rose from the Dead? Licona vs. Ehrman
- Can Historians Prove that Jesus Rose from the Dead? Licona vs. Ehrman
- Debate: Evan Fales vs. Mike Licona (Part 1 of 4)
- Shabir Ally vs. Mike Licona (2004)
- Ismail vs. Licona on Jesus’s Fate in 1st Century
- Puckett vs. Licona (2012): Did Jesus rise from the dead?
- Richard Carrier vs. Mike Licona (2004): Did Jesus rise from the dead?
- Dan Barker vs. Mike Licona (2003): Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?
- Richard Carrier vs. Mike Licona (2010): Did Jesus rise from the dead?
- What was the first-century fate of Jesus? A debate between Ali Ataie and Mike Licona
- Yothment vs. Licona (2006) Did Man Create God?
- Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? – Mike Licona-Greg Cavin Debate
- Did Jesus Believe He Was Divine? A discussion with Mike Licona & Dale Martin
- Dale Martin & Mike Licona discuss whether Jesus was raised physically from the dead
- Category: Lectures
- The Case for the Resurrection (Part 1 of 5)
- The Historical Reliability of the Gospels
- What was Jesus’ crucifixion like?
- Gospel Differences & Compositional Textbooks
- The A, B, Cs of the Gospels
- Lee Strobel & Mike Licona Discuss Jesus’s Resurrection
- Is Jesus the Only Way?
- How Did The Bible Become Compiled Into One Volume?
- Connecting Through Apologetics
- New Testament Manuscripts & English Translations
- Why are there differences in the Gospels? Ancient biography, Plutarch & the Gospels
- Category: Short Videos
- Sermon on the Mount
- Did Jesus’s prophecy to return fail?
- Was Jesus’s Resurrection a Metaphor?
- Did Jesus’s Disciples Experience Hallucinations of the Risen Jesus?
- Was Jesus’s Tomb Empty?
- Did the Early Christians Borrow the Idea of Jesus’s Resurrection from Pagan Myths?
- Islamic Catch 22: Muslim Apologists Answer
- Is Jesus’ resurrection improbable?
- Where did the tradition of carrying the bride across the threshold originate?
- Reflections on Life on My 51st Birthday
- What is the Origin of Ostracism?
- Some Thoughts on a Proper Perspective on Suffering
- Some Thoughts on Interpreting the Bible Properly
- Where did “flipping the bird” originate?
- Dealing With Doubts?
- The Role of Mentors in My Life
- Top 10 Myths About Jesus’ Resurrection
- The Resurrection of Jesus
- The Bible vs the Qur’an
- Biased Gospels?
- Contradictions in the Bible?
- Who is Bart Ehrman? Part 1 with Mike Licona on One Minute Apologist
- Concerns with Bart Ehrman: Part 2
- Advice to Study Ehrman’s books with an Open Mind
- Can We Know Who Wrote the Gospels?
- What if Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John Didn’t Write the Gospels?
- How Many Letters Did Paul Write?
- To What Extent Did Paul Utilize Secretaries?
- Tips for Having Discussions with Nonbelievers
- Oral Tradition & Gospel Reliability
- Eyewitness Testimony in the Gospels
- Introduction to Bart Ehrman
- Are the Gospels forgeries?
- Are there contradictions in the Gospels?
- Does the New Testament contain eyewitness testimony? (Part 1)
- Does the New Testament contain eyewitness testimony? (Part 2)
- Are Miracles Valid?
- Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?
- Who is Jesus?
- How Was I Created?
- Is Jesus the Only Way?
- Biblical Thoughts on Evolution
- Biblical Claims of Jesus